Setting Boundaries During the Holidays

The Holidays are a great time to set boundaries. This is a time when emotions run high, there are a lot of demands, high expectations and a lot to accomplish. This could include everything from buying gifts to sending cards, travel and having to attend get-togethers. Perhaps you are hosting a dinner and need to get everything organized and have to find something to wear! 


What does it mean to set a personal boundary? Boundaries are important because they set the basic guidelines, rules or limits as to how you want to be treated.  The purpose of setting boundaries is ultimately to keep us safe and to assure our relationships are healthy. They are the limits we set to protect ourselves from being taken advantage of, manipulated or violated by others. They are also limits we set to maintain a strong healthy well-being. It’s about protecting our self-worth and about SELF-LOVE.


It starts with self-awareness.This requires checking in with yourself every day and having a clear sense of what you want to say ‘yes’ to and what you want to say ‘no’ to.  All the way from accepting invitations and requests, having to visit with family where tension is high -and all the other little expectations people put upon you. When you set boundaries, this not only gives you a sense of self-respect, but others will respect you as well. Without setting boundaries we can carry resentment, anger and frustration which just causes more of that same energy to manifest back to us. So start now. Start to set boundaries in a kind, firm way. In the long run, this allows for healthier relationships and a stronger, more confident you!


Start now and focus on the real meaning of the holidays: gratitude, spiritual traditions, family togetherness and love. You will be able to maintain peace and not be so stressed, because you are choosing what works for you.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with peace, love and happiness-




Thriving in Uncertainty