Spring…New Beginnings
Spring is about strength and new beginnings- a breath of fresh air! If you think about it, Spring is the perfect time to gain more clarity on things and begin the process of getting stronger and making some changes you have been longing for. The sun is shining bright, it’s getting warmer, the flowers are starting to bloom. All these things give us an organic boost of energy! Is there a situation or person in your life that has been keeping you stuck? Maybe you still dread going to work, or you keep thinking things will change in your relationship?
So where do you start? Well, it all starts with YOU- your inner-self. I am all for exercising, eating healthy and buying some new, fun clothes! Spring is the ideal time to begin that new exercise program that you keep putting off, or do the detox that takes a major commitment, ugh. All of these things make us feel good and boost our confidence… And by all means add this to your list, but true peace and happiness starts within. Within your heart, mind and soul. It’s about feeling “whole, solid”. Many of us run from what our inner guidance or gut is telling us. Sometimes we don’t know on a conscious level what we are running from but we just continue stay super busy and stressed. This can make us feel ‘off balance’ which adds to feeling more anxious, edgy and agitated. Now is the time to get clear on what makes you happy, healthy and loving. What is important to you? Are you living your life purpose? Are you giving and receiving love? Create a list of these things that you want, how do you want to feel, and what brings you joy and peace? Then set the intention that you will set aside a quiet space and some time for yourself everyday. It could be outside in the fresh air, or it could be in place within your home that is relaxing. I refer to my quiet space, which is my living room - as my sanctuary.
There is a sense of empowerment and peace that comes from taking time to stop, close your eyes, breathe and listen… Start with your inner guidance, and the rest will come…