Awaken to Your Divine Power
2-Month Mentorship - $1,999
9 Weekly 1-Hour Sessions + Ongoing Support
In this sacred container, we’ll journey together through these core pillars, tailored to your unique needs.
Embracing your Shadow: Become aware of the dark or hidden parts of yourself that have been hidden, repressed, or deemed "too much" by the world - ‘all of you’ is welcome here. Give up the need to seek validation or approval from others; instead, learn to turn inward, finding strength in the fullness of who you are, feeling confident and self-assured moving forward.
Alchemizing your lived experience: Dive deep into your inner world to explore generational and ancestral patterns and release any shame, guilt and limiting beliefs that have been weighing on you. Explore your family systems and past traumas so you can heal your inner child and live holistically and authentically, allowing you to feel the joy and love you are worthy of.
Reconnecting with your Body Wisdom: Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom, grounding yourself in presence and pleasure. As you nurture your intuition, you’ll learn to trust yourself deeply and create a sense of safety. You’ll explore the art of reconnecting with your body through meditation and embodiment rituals that open the door to your boundless, authentic self. Through these practices, you’ll activate your innate pleasure and creativity, immersing yourself in the beauty of sensuality, movement, and the Divine.
Reclaiming your Divine Feminine Power: Rediscover the power of your feminine energy and break free from the societal conditioning that has limited your deepest expression. Connect with your life force energy, intuition, and unique radiance as you create self-love rituals to build your connection with the divine and have that connection on tap whenever and wherever you need it.
Honoring your energy: Give up people pleasing as you get clarity around your core values and learn to create clear and loving boundaries to ensure you prioritize and protect your energy.
You’ll learn to be selective about how you spend your time and energy and get crystal clear about your negotiables and your non-negotiables. As you embrace self-care, you’ll tap into your inner strength, confidence and sovereignty at a whole new level.
Living your Soulful life: Create your own heaven on earth as you experience a deeper connection to your soul’s purpose and start to live with radical intentionality. You’ll learn to savor life’s beauty, and embrace life fully as you cultivate mindfulness and gratitude. You’ll be delighted as you watch elements of your life become magical and your relationships shift in alignment with your newly embodied authentic self.