Individual Coaching Session

(1 HOUR) $155.00

Individual coaching sessions are for clients that would like a one-time session. If you are interested in gaining clarity or getting some guidance on a specific challenge you are going through, email me TODAY at:

Additional Programs


Fall In Love With Yourself

This program’s focus is on self-love. Become mentally, spiritually and physically healthy. Realize your value and self-worth so that you attract love, prosperity and abundance into your life. Learn how to trust yourself and strengthen your intuition. Discover how setting boundaries plays a significant role in strengthening your self-confidence and self-esteem. At the end of this program you will feel more comfortable in speaking your truth, trusting yourself and knowing exactly what steps you need to take to building self-love.


Thrive In Your Next Chapter

(Reinventing yourself!)

Major life changes or transitions can be very challenging. You may feel overwhelmed, alone and fearful of the uncertainty. Whether you’re recently divorced or working through a breakup- we focus on what you want in your life. How do you want to thrive in your next chapter? Do you want to attract a healthy partner? Are you changing jobs or starting a new career? It’s important to get clear on what you want, create a solid plan and be accountable! Together we will work on getting you confident in your decisions on next steps!


Protect Yourself From Emotional Vampires

Learn to recognize the signs and protect yourself from toxic people- They may be in your office, your home or be among your family or circle of friends. Bright, charming and charismatic… they win your trust, confidence and affection- then drain you of your emotional energy. This can leave you feeling exhausted, hurt and confused. We will cover the common traits to look for in difficult personality types, such as narcissistic and passive aggressive behavior. At the completion of this program you will be more clear on identifying the signs and know how to respond.

“When faced with life and relationship challenges, it’s crucial to have a strong support system. I will work with you every step of the way to keep you on track to creating the life your desire and are worthy of.”